Ancient Rome
Introduction to Rome:
Students analyzed the Thomas Cole series: Course of Empire paintings. Students completed a I See, I Think, I Wonder for each of the paintings. Use the following link to view the paintings of Savage State, Pastoral State, Consummation, Destruction, and Desolation.
Roman Army Advertisement - Create an advertisement to convince me to join the Roman army (c. 509 B.C.) Full Instructions are in the files section at the bottom of the page.
Punic Wars Be The Thing - Choose an object from the Punic Wars to become and complete the Be The Thing assignment. Full instructions are in the files section at the bottom of the page.
Julius Caesar Investigation - Journal and Exhibits are located in the files below. Exhibits are in the Cold Case PPT.
Roman Emperor Head
Select a Roman emperor
Draw a profile head
Above the profile head, write the emperor's name and dates ruled
Inside the profile head, draw five facts about the emperor
Outside the profile head, write the five facts which are drawn inside the head
Roman Legacy Poem - Use the template in the file section below to write a poem about the legacy of Rome. Along with the Poem, complete the Seneca Primary Source Reading - in the file section below.