Looking Towards the Future
Below, you will find the PDF file for the Alabama SUCCESS Planner. This planner will coincidence with several events/opportunities (EXPLORE and the Worlds of Opportunity Career Expo, etc.) this school year.
If you would like to access the PDF Guides for each area of work, please login in to EDMODO and the file folder with all the career success guides will be located on the right hand side of the screen.
The areas of work are
1.) Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
2.) Architecture and Construction
3.) Arts, A/V Technology and Communication
4.) Business Management and Administration
5.) Education and Training
6.) Finance
7.) Government and Public Administration
8.) Health Science
9.) Hospitality and Tourism
10.) Human Services
11.) Information Technology
12.) Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
13.) Manufacturing
14.) Marketing, Sales and Service
15.) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
16.) Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Again, all of these guides are available on EDMODO in the SUCCESS Guides Folder.